EGGS: Female mosquitoes lay 50 to 300 tiny eggs on stagnant or extremely slow-moving water. Most eggs hatch into larvae within 48 hours. Eggs can withstand subzero winters before hatching, if necessary.
LARVA: The larvae poke a tube through the surface of the water to breathe air. They shed their skin, or molt, four times, and grow larger every time. They feed on microorganisms or organic matter found in the water.
PUPA: This is the resting stage, during which the pupae respond to light changes, turn upside down, or move to a sheltered place. At this stage, the pupa changes into an adult just like the metamorphosis that happens when a caterpillar changes into a butterfly.
ADULT: The new adult lingers on the surface of the water to allow its body parts to harden. Its wings must dry out and strengthen before it can fly, feed on blood, and mate.
Why should we Dump & Drain standing water?
A female mosquito can lay eggs in as little as a teaspoon of water.
Reducing the standing water around your home and neighborhood
means there will be fewer mosquitoes to bite you!
Check out the different containers that collect standing water around the yard.