Storm sewer runoff basins, otherwise known as catch basins, are designed to help prevent flooding and pollutant runoff on impervious surfaces. Catch basins are an area of particular concern for TASD as they can act as breeding sources for mosquitoes, especially Culex pipiens, the primary vector of the West Nile Virus.

TASD treats basins throughout Lucas County based on either mosquito larval or disease surveillance. If treatment is determined to be warranted, TASD employees will inspect each basin and use EPA-registered products to control mosquito breeding. This treatment is often done by (e)bike, where a staff member will ride up to a basin, make an inspection, and if needed deposit control products within the basin.

Use the map below to determine the service map number for your area of interest by zooming to the location or entering an address in the “Esri World Geocoder” search bar. Service maps are outlined in purple.

Enter the address in the map search bar.